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North York Christian Community Church 

is a church that believes in the authority of the Christian scriptures for our life and practice.

NYCCC is a member of ACEM - Association of Christian Evangelical Ministries. It was planted in North York on January 23, 1994. It rented the Finch Public School to start its first worship and moved to the existing church in 2007. The church has a Cantonese, Mandarin, English worship, and Sunday school every Sunday. It has numerous fellowships and small groups for different ages to support and build each other in the love of Christ to face the challenges in life. We welcome you to join this spiritual home and hope that you can live a joyful life here and enjoy the abundant and eternal life bestowed by God!



32 Kern Road

Toronto, ON, Canada

M3B 1T1

TEL:      (416) 441 - 2232

FAX:      (416) 441 - 2234

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Fidelity is NYCCC's middle and high school fellowship for students from grade 7 to grade 12 to come embark on a journey of discovering life the way Jesus described it in the Scripture. This simply stated passion is what drives everything we do.

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UCF is NYCCC's university and college students to grow in their love and commitment to God and the Church through the understanding of the Gospel. This is done in learning and experiencing the love of Christ for us.


Career & Small Groups is focused on relational connection and biblical teaching. We strive to be a source of growth and encouragement in your life and to help you be a source of hope in the lives of others by sending you back to your campus, workplace, or home with the message of Christ.

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Married Couples Small Group seeks to build fellowship and support between married couples striving towards greater Christlikeness. It is a group that strives towards encouraging younger couples, building openness in relationships, strengthening marriage, and blessing the church


Barnabas is a place for belonging, caring, and growing. We are a group of career and family men and women who strive to make disciples who make disciples. We are a community assembled to be a shining light of hope, joy, and love. Our mission is simple; we are about Jesus and about people. We exist to reflect the love of Jesus and change lives in doing so. 

North York Christian Community Church

32 Kern Road, Toronto, ON, Canada, M3B 1T1      •      (416) 441- 2232  



9:30 AM


Sunday School

10:00 AM



9:30 AM


Sunday School

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Sunday School

11:15 AM


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10:00 AM


11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

Sunday School

12:00 PM

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